Welcome to Perfecting Love Outreach Missions

"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love."

1 John 4:18

Perfecting Love Outreach Missions  Is a "Supplement for the Body of Christ". 

Our Mission

  • To help the Body of Christ live an abundant life (John 10:10)

  • To help the Body of Christ grow through outreach and missions (Matt 16:15-17)

  • To activate women to be everything God called them to do and be (Act 9:36)

  • Perfect the love of Christ (1 John 4:18)

Single Parent School Fund Drive

We know that money can be tight when you have a one income household.  We also know the importance of having your children in a safe place that they can flourish.  This is why we're are collecting funds to help Single Parents with Summer Camp, After School care and Christian school tuition.  

A gift of just $5-$10 a month can make a difference to a Single Parent family.


This Month's Bible Series

We showcase series of 30 minute Bible Study that wil help you obtain Victory in Christ Jesus

We have selected our New Book for


A Woman After God's Own Heart

by Elizabeth George


Women's Ministry

Women need community.  We host events to build women through a holistic approach.


In-depth 30 Minute Bible studies.  We discuss topics that are relevant to your everyday life.  We dig into the Word of God to find your victory in Christ Jesus.

SPN (Single Parent Network)

We are committed to surrounding  single parents with a community that will help them with the support they need to be successful

“I came to Perfecting Love Outreach Ministry feeling lost and without any direction in life.  Now I feel like I'm part of a community and I am on the right path. I thank God for finding these ladies that have encouraged and strengthen me. 

— Gloria D.

Contact us

We are here to help. Please feel free to contact us..

About us

Perfecting Love Outreach Ministry,Inc is committed to helping the body of Christ grow through outreach and missions.

We strive to help the body of Christ live an abundant life. Our goal is to help individuals find the perfect love of Christ.